Spring Break 1999 Rain and wind on the
coast. We want warmth and sun. We set off from Fort Bragg. Two VW busses and a Toyota station wagon. The usual suspects. The all day run down Interstate 5 to Bakersfield. The sky gray and overcast. We arrive in time for our "last supper in civilization" at a Basque restaurant. Warmed and refreshed we then slog up over Tehachapi Pass into ever deeper snow.
The highway sign announcing "Barstow - 89 miles" gives us hope. Yes! Down to the desert.
The next day finds us camped by a pile of rocks with blue skies and warmth. Just what the doctor ordered! We set to work.
Exactly what the doctor ordered. Plus,
Now and then a game of Petanque.
We even discover the Unabomber in our midst!! But soon, too soon, it was over and we had to head back to the rainy coast of California. Oh well, Spring Break 2000 is not too far off. By the way. Iren and Stefan have added a new twist to Future Spring Breaks