September 3, 2008
Oh Mamma! 28 degrees when we wake in the morning!!
Frost on the sleeping bags! I am so glad I borrowed a down jacket from my
friend Roger!
Time for Breakfast and Tea!
Chores have settled into me doing breakfast. Pete, lunch (snacks) and
Dave is the evening cook.
Breakfast over, packs packed. Time to take on
McGee Pass!
And in only a couple of hours we are standing on top!!
But I must admit the last seven switchback about broke my heart! My
biggest trouble was mental. I kept thinking "we must be almost to the top"
and then another switchback would appear. And then another! I
finally realized it was best not to look up to where we were heading. Much
better to look down and concentrate on taking just the next step!! As I
told Pete and Dave, "If I look up at the pass I think, 'Oh No!" but if I look
down at my feet and think, 'Yes, Yes, Yes" with each step, by golly, I can
do it!!
As we were resting at the top of the pass a pack string came up and over the pass.
We think they were going in to pack out a crew that had been working on
various trails for two months.
McGee Pass behind us it is now down, down, down. Into the Fish Creek area towards Tully
Deciding to take it easy we divert off the trail in search of
our campsite for the night.
At least..., Good Enough!