McGee Trip
part seven


Hey mom!  iPood!

Yes, that is a Golden Trout with its shadow just below!  This is a hand-held telephoto shot from a high granite ledge over one hundred feet away!  That fish had to be fourteen inches long!!  None of us are fishermen, we just sat there and enjoyed watching it swim back and forth along the shoreline.

Later in the day I did this pastel pencil sketch of the lake and the Silver Divide for Mary.

But like all good things, our trip was winding down.  Time for the two day hike out to the trailhead.

In one area the trail went up the very location a glacier used to come down.

Break time!

Over McGee and down the eastern side.

Another break beside the trail!!

Our final night out and another sock washing!  The wind and clouds started forming so we set up the tent and actually used it this time.  All other nights we slept under the stars with Pete guiding me through the visible galaxies.  I learned the Big Triangle (Vega, Altair and Deneb), Scorpio, Corona Borealis, Lyra, and Cygnus plus we saw up to five satellites and four meteors every night!!  The Milky Way was "Right there"!!  Each night Pete would check with his binoculars to see where the moons of Jupiter were located.  Beautiful.

The final push.  More clouds showing up.  We had hit the weather just perfect!

Good bye O beautiful place.  As near heaven as can be!

Down, down the steps.  Absolute killers on the way up.

Across McGee Creek.  Pete and Dave said you had to take your boots off and wade across, years past.

I was so happy to have survived the trip in fine style I burst into song during the final miles.  I sang the song my Grandfather taught me when I was a wee shaver.  It is called "Alfalfa Hay" and it goes like this:

"Alfalfa Hay
Alfalfa Hay
We feed our cows
Alfalfa Hay"

Second verse...

"Alfalfa Hay
Alfalfa Hay
We feed our cows
Alfalfa Hay"

Third verse...

"Alfalfa Hay
Alfalfa Hay
We feed our cows
Alfalfa Hay"

Etc. etc.

I was just starting in on verse seven when Pete and Dave turned in their tracks and came after me with their walking sticks!  I couldn't believe it.  Everything had been going so swell!

Anyway, I survived.

The final stretch.  It was sprinkling in the valley!!

Eight days backpacking in the High Sierra.  Who-ed a Thunk it!
With the encouragement and support of Pete and Dave I did it!
Most Excellent!!!
Thank you guys!

Here's a slideshow (click "slideshow" in the upper right hand corner of the page).


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