McGee Trip

part 5



Another round of morning tea.  But the age old question, what to do with the tea bags?

Lo and behold....  Tea-tanque!!
It is sort of like Petanque but different!
Just place a rock "Pig" on a granite boulder.  Agree to a "launch" location a suitable distance away and Volia!  Toss the tea bag! One point for whoever gets closest.  We decided to play to a total score of Three per game because the tea bags didn't hold together much beyond three tosses!

I won the first game.  Pete won the second and Dave won the third; played over the course of three mornings.  On the fourth morning we played the "rubber" and here is Dave making the winning toss 3-0-0!!

Dave became quite unbearable at that point, holding the winning tea bag aloft and giving the Victory sign!  And to think Pete and I had to teach him how to play!  Just plain disgusting!

And then we set off on an eight hour, round trip, day hike to visit the resting place of Pete and Dave's father's ashes.

Along the way we spotted this Mountain Bluebird.

And a Pika.

After more up, and up, I successfully bagged another pass!!  I'm getting the hang of this mountain stuff!!

We entered another whole drainage, this one favoring the west side of the Sierra.

By the time we got back to camp I was more than ready for a nap!

Dave the magic chef prepares Basil Pesto with chopped whole garlic clove for enhancement!  Add fresh air and it was spectacular!


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