April 25 - May 1


The Fresnel lens, in all its glory, is now assembled!

Hooray! But now, back to basics.

Here is the base of the Fresnel lens bolted to the new vertical grain fir floor in the Watch Room.

This is an image of the 1/12th horsepower drive motor that rotates the lens.

Tuesday, Philip from Woody's Well-all welded in the last section of hand rail around the Lantern deck.

Here is an image of the 1000 - watt light bulbs mounted in the "light changer*" inside the Fresnel lens. And by late Tuesday afternoon...

Let there be light!!!

But it was only a test. The Point Cabrillo light is not on line quite yet. But it won't be long now!

Notice that the rotating "airport beacon" and platform are now gone from the roof of the Lighthouse.

* The light changer has two bulbs. One in the focal plane of the Lens. The second one, the spare, automatically swings into position and lights up if the first one burns out.

On to next week

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