Grandchildren Winning photos from Grand-paw's baby book! Taylor, "So Big!" My first grandchild from my daughter Sarah and her husband Matt. Taylor getting into music. Lane studying to be a columnist. (Foot in mouth. Get it?) My first grandson from my son Jeff and Trinna. Lane enjoying his first birthday cake. Kian in his airplane swing. My second grandson from son Ross and his wife Kerry. Kian and Grand-Paw's hands. 2003 2004 Kian (Chicken) Lane (Fireman) Taylor (Horse) Caleb (Penguin) Oops! #5!! Lauren! Jeff and Trinna's new daughter!
And, one more!! Keller Logan That makes six, and I'm told, "That's it!" Now it's time to watch them grow.
Lane gets the plane ready Come on Lauren, this is going to be fun Whee! "Wade" passes all the swimming requirements to move up to "Level Two"!